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tv   Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX News  November 22, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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>> sexually harassed poetry. >> that's it for the show. thank you, gavin. gabriel bloom, ambassador john bolton, senator lingggggggggggg puppy. >> doesn't get better for that. "fox news sunday" is next. i'm chris wallace. terror attacks around the world renew post 9/11 fears about whether it could happen here. >> our highest priority is and will remain the security of our homeland and the safety of all americans. >> we will not be intimidated and we will not live in fear. >> plus the intense debate in washington over accepting syrian refugees. >> apparently they're scared of widows and orphans. >> if you just get one of them or two of them or three of them wrong, you've got a big problem. >> we'll talk with republican presidential candidate senator
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marco rubio about what he would do if he were commander in chief. then conservative radio talk show host rush limbaugh in a rare television interview. it's a "fox news sunday" exclusive. we'll have the first fox news national poll since the attack in paris. our sunday group weighs in on how the new focus on national security will reshape the presidential race. and our power player of the week, a new governor faces an unexpected battle with cancer. >> i thought about how am i going to tell my family, what's going to be facing me. >> all right now on "fox news sunday". hello again from fox news in washington. a week after the paris terror attacks, the city remains on high alert as french officials have extended the state of emergency three months. in belgium they raised the terror alert in the capital of brussels to its highest level
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warning of an imminent threat. in mali, security forces are reportedly hunting for more than three suspects in the deadly hotel attack. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is live in paris. >> reporter: chris, authorities in brussels are saying they're worried about a paris-style terror attack there. that is why for the second day running, the belgian capital is on lockdown. troops out in force, the city's subways, malls and other public places are off limits, definitely related to the on going search for the eighth attack for the eighth attacker, sal salah abdeslam. he is described as agitated, has a suicide vest in his possession. meanwhile in mali, west africa, authorities are seeking those suspects in the hotel terror
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assault in friday. 19 people were killed including 41-year-old american anita datar, an international development specialist and mother of an 8-year-old son. finally, back in france, authorities remain very much on a wartime footing. in the past week, they've launched close to a thousand ant anti-terror raids nationwide and have detained over 100 suspects an seepzed 200 weapons. this week president hollande meets with president obama, all this, it is said, to bolster an international coalition fighting isis, a very difficult fight indeed is turning out. chris? >> greg palkot from paris. the first fox news national poll since the paris attack shows how the wave of terror has
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reshaped that race since early november. front-runner donald trump has widened his lead. but marco rubio and ted cruz are also on the rise, threatening to overtake a slumping ben carson for the number two spot. rubio tops the candidates on who is honest and trustworthy with a net score of plus 20, just above ben carson. trump and hillary clinton are in negative territory. when it comes to how gop candidates run against clinton, rubio does the best against the presumptive democratic nominee. joining me from the campaign trail is the republican playing the hottest hand, senator marco rubio. senator, welcome back to "fox news sunday." >> thanks for having me back. >> i know you have a plan for how to fight isis, and i want to put it up on the screen. you say expand air strikes, embed u.s. special ops with local forces, oust syrian dictator bashar al assad and
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support sunni and kurdish forces. senator, in addition to that would you also commit u.s. combat troops on the ground to fighting isis? >> well, one of the graphs that's missing in that plan is we need to have a ground force that defeats isis, it should be made of arab sunnis. that's the only way to defeat them, defeated by arab sunnis themselves. they will have to be the bulk of the ground force. special operators are combat troops. this is not a return to iraq. we're not talking about 100,000 people or 50,000 armed soldiers, but we are talking about a significant force of special operators and others with specific missions that will have to be embedded alongside the sunni arab coalition that this president must put together if we're to defeat isis on the ground. that's the only way to do it, defeated by a ground force and it has to be made up primarily of sunnis. >> you are currently one of the hawks in the gop field.
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some of your opponents note that back in 2013 when bashar al assad, the syrian dictator used chemical weapons, crossed the red line and used chemical weapons against his own people, that you voted against the use of force allowing president obama to use force against assad. why is that, sir? >> well, first of all, i don't support air strikes against assad now. no one is calling for those either. i thought, number one, it would be counterproductive, especially when the president was describing the way the strikes should be. we shouldn't take military action to send a message. you should only take military action if you're providing resources necessary to win. i very clearly out liepd what we should be doing instead, incl e including increased sanctions against institutions propping up assad, but also a more robust effort to identify non-radical sunni elements within syria that
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we could empower, not only to topple assad but to assure no vacuums were created like groups like isis and al nusra. he would have survived, remained in power and it would have strengthened his hand and allowed him to send a message that he had take even on the united states and still held on. it may have even rallied some to his side. those were the reasons i thought that should not have been the appropriate response at the time. if military response is the appropriate response, i will support it. in the case of isis, it is the appropriate response to have additional air strikes. no one is calling on air strikes on assad now. i thought it was wrong then, too. >> the specific issue was that the president had set the red line and a lot of people thought it hurt u.s. credibility not to follow up on its promise and authorize the use of force. here was your reasoning back in 2013, sir. >> i have never supported the use of military force -- u.s.
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military force in this conflict, and i still don't. i remain uncon vinced that the use of force proposed here will work. >> some question the fact that in voting for authorizing force, you were voting along with rand paul who you now call a committed isolationist. >> for very different reasons. senator paul didn't want us to do anything involving that conflict. i argued that the red line being crossed should have meant the u.s. should have openly and actively engaged in identifying non-jihadist elements on the ground in syria trying to empower assad and empower them, not to just to topple assad but govern the country in its aftermath. i thought that should have been the response even before the president laid out the red line. i thought once he used chemical weapons, that for sure would trigger that response. it did not. the result is not only is assad still in power, but russia has moved into the region and these radical groups have taken advantage of the vacuum left
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behind. it is true we have the same vote, but for very different reasons. in fact, i called for us to do other things instead. senator paul said for us to not do anything at all. i think that was a mistake. >> senator, let's turn to what's been a very hot issue, the question of what to do about the syrian refugees. you put out a very firm line on that. you said you want to block the admittance of any syrian refugees because quite frankly, you don't have the intel, the information, the database to vet them properly. does that mean you'll vote against the bill that was passed by the house overwhelmingly this week which would allow them into the country but only under tightened security? >> no. my argument is we can't allow anyone in the country that we can't vet. i believe the vast majority of them coming here we will not be able to vet. a 5-year-old orphan, a 90-year-old widow, a well-known
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cal dean priest. these are common sense applications and you can clearly vet them by common sense. what about someone who doesn't fit that profile. there is no reliable database we can rely on. there is no existing government institution in their home country that we can call up and run them against. we can't vet most of these people. the house bill i think is an appropriate response. what you'll find as a result of the house bill. >> i don't understand. the house bill isn't going to create the databases that you say aren't there. >> the house bill will require both the director of the fbi and homeland security to personally certify that each person being admitted has been fully vetted and they're confident that they're not going to be terrorists. they won't be able to do that in most cases. even they will tell you, in private conversations and some have said it publicly, that we do not have the capability today to fully vet people coming from that region of the world. we just don't have the access to information to allow us to do that. >> let me pick up on that if i can, senator rubio. critics say you and a lot of the
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other republicans are misleading the american people about how detailed the vetting process is. they note the u.n. now checks syrian refugees in refugee camps in the region for four to ten months. then u.s. officials pick up the vetting and screen them for 18 to 24 months. they say given how easy it is for those refugees to get into europe, why would an isis operative want to wait three years, go through all that vetting to try to get into the u.s.? >> well, that question answers itself. the united states is the ultimate prides in their mind. if isis is able to conduct a successful operation in the u.s. or i believe in canada, for that matter, of the sale of what you saw in paris, there would be an enormous bonanza in terms of funding, but recruits from all over the world that would be a huge win for isis and continue to grow their movement. the second point is, it's not that the vetting is not extensive. it is. when you're vetting someone you're basically comparing them
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to information you've acquired. in the case of people coming from that part of the world today, we do not have good information about that part of the world. we have even less information about people coming from syria than we did with iraqi refugees after the aftermath of that war five or ten years ago. it's not that the vetting isn't happening, it's that the vetting doesn't have reliable data to compare it against. and that's the problem. >> let me switch subjects about something i suspect you'll want to talk about, which is your rising standing in the polls. as we pointed out in the latest fox news national poll, you're tied for third place and have risen this month. in iowa, the real politics average of recent polls in iowa 12.8%. in new hampshire you're running second to donald trump at 12.3%. senator, you have a new ad out which focuses on the fight against isis. here is a clip. >> these are red cal terrorists
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who want to kill us because we let women drive, because we let girls go to school. i'm marco rubio, i approve this message because there can be no arrangement or negotiation. either way win or we do. >> senator, do you think your foreign policy credentials are giving you a boost with voters as they focus more on choosing a commander in chief with all these terror attacks? >> well, on these polls you want good news, not bad news. we've never gotten too excited or depressed. they've going to fluctuate e specially in early states, where voters wait until the last minute to make their decision. i obviously am not happy about the events that happened last week in paris. i think it's a positive development that suddenly has forced americans to confront more carefully the issue of national security because it is the most important thing a president will do. it is the most important function of the federal government. and i hope that we focus on that
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more, not just for political advantage but because the world has become a very dangerous place. it's not just radical jihad, it's russian aggression, north korea's dozens of nuclear warheads, iran's desire to conduct nuclear weapon capability. we are eviscerating our military capabilities at a time when the world is becoming more dangerous. i'm glad we're focusing on national security and i feel very confident in my position talking about those issues. >> senator, i want to ask you a couple of quick final political questions. you generally stay away from attacking your rivals, the other candidates in the gop field. you went after ted cruz this week for his vote to kill the telephone bulk data collection program which actually will run out a week from today. what do you think that vote says about ted cruz? >> it's not going after anyone personally. this san important issue. we have a debate within our own party about what the proper role of government is in these
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programs. senator cruz and senator paul have argued that the federal government is out there spying on everybody and we need to gut these programs. that isn't true. if someone in the federal government is caught spying on an american, they should be fired and prosecuted. these are valuable tools on the war on terror that allow us to identify them and potentially disrupt plots before they're carried out. if you have voted to harm those programs and undermine those programs, we need to have a debate about that. it is a very different view of what the government ooes role should be in our national security. >> on the other hand, another legitimate policy debate, senator cruzs has been hammering you for your support for comprehensive immigration reform in 20 '2013. here is senator cruz. >> the rubio campaign is trying very, very hard to change the topic of discussion away from marco's long-time support and partnership with chuck schumer
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and barack obama pushing a massive amnesty plan. >> i have about 30 seconds left. is there something personal between the two of you? >> no. this is a policy difference. ted cruz offered an amendment that would have allowed it to happen. >> but he says that was a poison pill to try to kill comprehensive reform. >> that's not accurate. in fact, in september of that year, he was still telling "the new york times" and others how he supported legalizing those here illegally. he's changed his position. that's fine. he has a right to do that. he needs to answer the question of what he would do with those people here illegally. he's the only candidate for this president that to this point refuses to answer the question of what do we do with people here illegally. i think that's an important point. i've laid out a clear plan forward on that issue. i'm more than happy to continue to have the debate over that issue as well. >> we're happy to have you here to continue that debate.
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senator rubio, thank you for your time. happy hg to you and your family. >> happy thanksgiving. thank you. up next, more results from the fox news poll including what americans say about the war on isis. later, conservative radio talk show host rush limbaugh joins us for a rare television enter vuchlt first, our sunday group weighs in over the debate on accepting more syrian refugees. what would you like to ask the panel about how president obama is handling the refugees. go to fis book or twitter
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sure, tv has evolved over the years. it's gotten squarer. brighter. bigger. it's gotten thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. we're back now with more from the first fox news poll since the paris attacks.
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two-thirds of registered voters we surveyed say president obama hasn't been aggressive enough in fighting eisis. 26% say he's been about right. 83% say it's very or somewhat likely islamic terrorists will try to attack the u.s. soon. two-thirds oppose the president's plan to take in 10,000 syrian refugees over the next year. it seems like a good time to bring in our sunday group, syndicated columnist george will. u.s.a. today kol limbist kerr stan collins, michael needham and fox news' juan williams. >> in light of the recent attacks, what are your thoughts about the terror threat and how effectively president obama is handling it? >> the bombs go on and isis gallon straets an astonishing
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reach. he believes unshakeable in his belief that our primary concern is climate change. he dismisses what happens in paris as a setback and promises intensification, in his word, of a strategy that isn't working. dianne feinstein, head of the senate intelligence committee, when the president said isis had been contained, he said not contained, expanding. article 5 of nato has not been invoked which indicates the french response may be episodic and fleeting. >> would you say article 5, any member says an attack against one is an attack against all. there have been some thought that france would basically call in the cavalry. they have not done that. >> this matters because isis exists at the suffer ans of nato and are capable of sweeping it off the middle east.
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there's an investigation going on of centcom, the central command down in tampa as to whether or not intelligence was falsified to give a rosier view of the campaign against isis. the question in this town in a couple week could be what did we not know and when did we not know it and whose fault was that? >> people are understandably frightened by what's going on in paris and in mali. but this week the head of the fbi, james comey, tried to reassure americans. here he is. >> we are not aware of any credible threat here of a paris-type attack, and we have seen no connection at all between the paris attackers and the united states. >> kirsten, given the very different barrier, very different obstacles for outsiders like the paris bombers getting into europe as opposed to getting into this country, are we safer than they are in europe? >> i think we are safer, but
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that doesn't mean we're safe. those are two different things. obviously we know terrorist ks get into our country. we've seen it happen. i think in terms of they are obviously -- they obviously have the migrant crisis right in front of them. it's not something that's literally crushing against us the way it is against them. one thing i would say on that is that the manhattan institute has a study out about how in the united states, something that most of us think already, muslim immigrants tend to assimilate much better than they do in europe. that is also part of the problem in europe, which is that they are not assimilating. the muslim migrants are not assimilating. >> that brings us to the next topic. the debate over how to confront isis quickly morphed into a fierce debate over how to handle the syrian refugees and president obama seemed almost eager to call out republicans. take a look. >> these are the same folks oftentimes who suggest that
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they're so tough that just talking to putin or staring down isil or using solme additional rhetoric will solve the problems out there. but apparently they're scared of widows and orphans. >> michael, given in that fox poll we just released, two-thirds of americans say they oppose president obama's continued determination to allow up to 10,000 syrian refugees in, the question i have is why does he seem so eager to have this fight, especially on the house vote on tightening restrictions of allowing syrian refugees in, 47 democrats broke with the president and voted for the republican plan. >> it's not a good plan. america is an extraordinarily compassionate nation, 52% in 2013. compassion doesn't require being stupid, however. i think going through, making sure congress is vetting to allow these people in is absolutely common sense.
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when you look at bowling green, two terrorist whose came in from iraq came in, they were vetted. it turns out they were terrorists. the boston bomber was a refugee 17 years ago, got radicalized while in america. making sure we're not letting in isis terrorist in that program. if the president wants to have that debate, it's a debate we're happy to have. as ted cruz said, he should make these claims to their face, let's have the debate. >> we asked you and which got this on twitter, from a guy calling himself bomb doc. so we can't locate 11 million illegal immigrants in our country but we can vet thousands from the remote region of syria. how do you answer him? >> bomb doc is creating a false equivalence born of legitimate concerns, as michael was saying,
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legitimate concerns of the aftermath of paris and 9/11. what you have to understand is it's being combined at this moment with the politics and especially politics that is so anti-immigrant, almost to the point of scexenophobic. what we have is a situation where you can vet people. we have had in this country, thousands of people admitted since 9/11. only the three, michael citing them, instances where people have been in -- refugees tied to acts of anything that could be considered terrorism. in fact, as attorney general loretta lynch said, we have a robust screening process that's worked. i think it's more robust than anything we have tore the tourists or student visas or people just with a passport coming from france and germany. the situation that you're talking about, since 2011, the syrians admitted here, half are children, a quarter are adults
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over the age of 60. fingerprinted, interviewed, bio metrics. i don't think it's anything to be compared to mexicans coming over the border looking for a job. >> quickly, michael, how would you respond? >> as senator rubio said, obviously in some cases with children, it's easier to let them in. there's a difference between screening people from syria, where we don't have the records, so i think making sure we have a system in place that can screen people, and if you don't have records, aren't letting those people in is absolutely common sense. that's all anyone is calling for. >> we have to take a break, but we'll see you a little later. up next, the king of conservative talk radio, rush limbaugh on the threat from isis and the syrian refugee crisis. how does he think the republican presidential candidates are handling it sf i know how it is. you're all set to book a flight using your airline credit card miles. and surprise! those seats sometimes cost a ridiculous number of miles,
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. a look outside the beltway at snow in oskaloosa, iowa, as the political season heats up just 70 days before the first in the nation caucuses. love him or hate him, rush limbaugh is the king of conservative talk radio. 20 million people listen to him each week, aon close to 60 stations across the country. he's written a new children's book called "rush, revere and "the star-spangled banner."" he joins us from his studios in florida. rush, welcome back. >> great to be with you, chris. everybody that listens to me loves me. there is no hate. >> those people that don't listen to you, those are the ones i was talking about. >> no, no. even the ones who disagree listen. they're the ones that hate and they're the ones who need a reason. i'm happy to provide it. full-service shop going into our
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28th year. i pinch myself each and every day i have a chance to do it. it's a thrill to be here as always. >> thank you for that. i want to start with a new song you played from a group called bar ram hussein o. >> that's right. ♪ isis is just all right with me ♪ ♪ isis has been contained, oh, yeah ♪ >> you were rocking along as we were playing it. i know it's a parody, but i'm sure one with a point. what are you saying about president obama's strategy toward isis? >> i don't think he has a strategy to deal with sigh sis. the best i've been able to learn, and i've looked hard at this. it seems to me obama is linked to iran and syria in this, the sectarian violence throughout the middle east is his excuse
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for not doing anything about it. iran capitalizes on all this chaos and crisis. chris, i don't like saying any of this, but it's obvious obama is sensitive to iran's needs and is trying to satisfy them. we've lifted the sanctions. they've got $150 billion they didn't have. they're on the way to get a nuclear weapon, all because of barack hussein o. i think his dealing with isis is inept, incompetent and non-existent. >> so what would you do? how would you destroy isis? >> well, in the first place, i would get people around me and listen to them. i would get people around me who are experts in dealing with groups like this. one thing i would do, chris, i would hit their oil. i'd hit their oil deep hose, hit their tankers. we're not. do you know why? because we have rules of
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engagement. the administration says some of the drivers might be civilians and we can't go there. and there might be some civilians at the oil depots and wells they've taken over. that's their primary source of revenue. i would hit that and i wouldn't care. chris, the world is governed by the aggressive use of force. the purpose of war and the purpose of military is to kill people and break things. that's how you win. you keep doing that until the other side says, i'm sorry, and surrenders. barack obama's number one enemy is the republican party and the conservative movement. you see he gets animated, doesn't need queue cards when he starts ripping into them. when you get isis on the board or anything in the middle east, very cautious, very precise, don't want to offend them or make them mad. >> let me pick up on that. >> chris, i think it's very dangerous. >> let me pick up on that. i know you were struck, like a lot of people were, by president
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obama's news conference at the g-20 summit in turkey on monday in which he seemed to be more upset with republicans who want to limit syrian refugees coming into the country than with the isis terrorist whose slaughtered people in paris. here is the president on both of those issues. >> the terrible events in paris were obviously a terrible and sickening setback. when i hear political lead leaders suggesting there would be a religious test, that's shameful. that's not american. >> rush, what do you think is going on there? >> in that press conference from those sound bites you played, he also said he doesn't believe in all this sloganeering like providing leadership and winning. the first time i heard that was in reference to afghanistan in 2009, he said, yeah, when i hear of victory, i think of poor hero
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hito. he's not serious. already legitimate questions about what and who he thinks pose threats to this country and who our real enemies are. the american people, he's got his worst marks ever on dealing with terrorism. people are scared. we've got these refugees coming in and nobody is confident we can vet them. yet we're told don't be a bigot, don't be a racist, don't be a scene know phobe. we're none of those things. nobody worried about this is. they love america. they're concerned about our security. they don't think this administration is or at least they're not seeing any signs of it. >> we have history in this country not only for matters of religious persecution, but people fleeing violence in their country of taking them in as refugees. how would you candle the syrian refugees, rush? >> i would pause it. i would put a pause on it right
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now. i don't profess to be an expert on a lthese things. we paused refugees being allowed to enter the country in 2011. do you know who did it? barack hussein o. there was a circumstance-month pause on iraqi refugees for the same reason people are worried about the syrian refugees. i have friends who are syrians, i play golf with them. it's not about certain nationalities. it's about the defense of the united states of america and our constitution which is what is the primary job of the president of the united states, and again, he just doesn't seem to be oriented in that direction or interested in it.
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it almost seems as if -- it's time for payback, it's time to figure out what the rest of the world goes through every day and time for us to go through it. i'm having to bite my lip, what i really think. >> what do you really think? >> i think we are a great nation at risk in a dangerous world, and the people leading the country today don't see that. they see us as the problem, not the solution. they think we are responsible for problems, fall back and blame george w. bush for what's going on. isis didn't exist when bush was around. >> let's do a lightning round. i know, you like this. >> i know. >> running for president in 2016. first of all, donald trump. >> donald trump is i think doing a great service. he's showing you don't have to
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fear attacks from the media. he's showing you don't have to fear being politically correct or violating political correctness. >> ben carson. >> one of the most decent human beings in this country. one of the finest men -- i've met him. the things he's done, places he's come from, one of the most decent human beings -- >> equipped to be president. >> next name? >> equipped to be president? >> ben carson equipped to be president? probably not at this stage. but any of these republicans running would be better than hillary or better than anything we've got now. so based on that comparison, yes, i'd vote for him if it was up to him and hillary, absolutely. without a doubt. >> ted cruz. >> brilliant. conservative through and through. trustworthy, strong, confident,
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leader, and somebody in whom you can totally depend. >> jeb bush. >> i don't think he really wants to do this. i'm watching. i don't see passion, i don't see fire. it's as though people in his camp want him to do it because they want to get back in power. i don't see jeb with all that energy that says i need this, the country needs me, i can't wait to do this. >> finally, hillary clinton? >> i think corruption. when i think of the clintons, i think corruption and skirting the edges. don't trust them and certainly don't think the country would be in the best hands possible if either of them got back into power. >> finally, you have put out another in your series of children's books. this one is called "rush, revere and "the star-spangled banner"" in which you, your talking horse liberty, and middle school students go back to talk to the founding fathers. once again a "new york times" bestseller.
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this is a passionate of yours? >> it is. i never thought i would have children as an audience. these books tap into their imagination, fulfill children's desires to dream and they're taken right to these moments in history and part of them, rather than these events being recited to them as facts they have to remember. they read conversations that people in the books are having with founding fathers. it's written for the age group, 8 to 10, maybe 12. we're just thrilled and so grateful at the response these books are getting. i'm grateful to you for mentioning it. >> everybody would like to have a time traveling horse and named liberty no less. >> that's a smart aleck and talks back to you as boot. >> i don't want a smart aleck talking horse. anyway, thank you for joining us. good luck with the book. happy thanksgiving to you and katherine. always good to talk with you. >> thank you, chris.
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you just walked the fastest 11 minutes in tv. see you next time we do this. >> you bet. up next, we'll bring back the panel for more of our fox news polls and the state of the democratic race.
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some breaking political news overnight, an upset in the race for governor of louisiana. voters elected democrat john bel edwards over republican senator david vitter who was badly hurt by his 2007 prostitution scandal. edwards is the first democrat elected governor in the deep south in 12 years. vitter announced he will not seek re-election to the senate.
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this week was a chance for former sec tafr of state and democratic front-runner hillary clinton to display her foreign policy chops in the wake of the terror attacks in paris and mali. in our latest fox news poll, clinton maintains her commanding lead over her rivals in the democratic field. we're back with the panel. let's start with clinton who gave a foreign policy speech this week in which she certainly talked tougher than president obama about how to take on isis but didn't give a lot of specifics about how she would actually be suffer. here she is. >> our goal is not to deter or contain isis, but to defeat and destroy isis. >> kerstin, whatever clinton says, if the world is still a mess a year from now, won't she be blamed for her role in the obama foreign policy? >> certainly people will try to blame her. what she'll do is say i wasn't actually in charge, barack obama
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was in charge. i disagreed with him on certain things as she already said. she disagreed with him on syria, for example, that she would have done things differently. i think she's going to ask people to look at her. i think there was a distinct difference between her and president obama, even if you say it's just in tone and what she's saying. look, republicans have been saying it matters what you say, what terse how you talk about this. i think she's going to try to make it clear that she's very different than him. >> george, do you think that the secretary of state for the first four years of barack obama's time in office can say i really was just kind of a bystander? >> or that i disagreed with him. on two matters, she not only agreed but was a main driver, one was the reset with russia which she's been subsequently dismembering a nation in the center of europe, the ukraine. and also in libya, an illegal, unwise intervention by the united states. it created a failed state in that region.
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it seems to me we're going to have a repeat of 1980, a week before the election ronald reagan stands on the stage and says to the a ask yourself the question, are you better off today than you were four years ago? in 2016, whoever the republican nominee is going to be, is going to stand on stage and say is there anyplace in the world where american pour is more -- it will be a devastating question. >> meanwhile, the republican candidates got into a bidding war about who can be tougher on the syrian refugees. once again, the two republican front-runners leading the pack? >> [ inaudible ]. >> there should be a lot of systems, beyond databases. >> specifically, how do you get them registered? >> it would be good management. what you have to do is good management procedures.
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>> if there's a rabid dog running around the neighborhood, you're probably not going to assume something good about that dog. >> there's some debate over whether trump actually did or didn't call for a muslim database. i have a bigger question than that. that is, at a time when it seems like the obama-clinton foreign policy is -- i don't think i'm overstating, is in shambles, shouldn't the republicans want to focus on that rather than rhetoric. >> he didn't call for a database. it was a gaff. byron york with ""the washington examiner."" carson and trump will put together plans that can rise to the occasion, that can take the argument to obama and clinton about how this isn't working out. i think rubio and cruz will be strengthened about this. they've been in the senate dealing with foreign policy issues on this. the debate, is there any part of
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this country that's safer in the eight years of obama and clin n clinton. >> interesting. it seems to me that the bottom line after this remarkable weeks of headlines, for all the controversial statements, all the new focus on who would be the best commander in chief, put up the poll. it's awfully interesting. as you can see there, donald trump continues to lead the pack and, in fact, widened his lead, leads by ten points, juan. >> when you come to someone like me -- what i do for a living is i look at polls and talk to political experts in washington. they're all baffled. no one understands how donald trump is doing that. i think on the paris thing, it's clear he's a strong reassuring
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voice. he may not have a strategy other than bomb the smither reens out of him. >> that's cleaning it up. >> and then he says things about the registry and closing mosques. people say what about our religious liberties in this country. i think he once was defined as a radical outlier in the republican party by people like me. i now see him as representing the feeling of economic anxiety, distrust of government, anger at president obama in the republican ranks. he has captured that. i think he's always finding someone to blame, whether the mexican immigrants or the chinese for money manipulation or wall street, taking jobs away from working class whites. this is who the heart of the republican party is at this moment. and i think you have to just say the democrats would be happy to run against them. >> it's not the heart of the republican party. it's the heart of the entire american electorate who feels
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unheard in washington, d.c. they're right to feel unheard in washington, d.c. because they are, in fact, unheard in washington, d.c. i think part of donald trump's at tracks is he's provided read ship and other people in the field that have done it, also. it's not just a republican thing. >> i think it's mostly republican, michael. you don't see on the democratic side, even the sanders people, the populist opposite, you don't see this anger at the immigrants we were earlier talking about, allowing women, children and 60-year-olds into the country. this is playing out in the republican primary right now. i think that's where it is, not on the democratic side. >> there's no anger at immigrants or anything else. there are people out there who feel completely unheard by a political system that works for well connected insiders and don't work for people on the outside. >> i hear that. you don't think trump is driven by anti immigrant fervor in this country? >> i think trump is driven by people who want bold leadership. that's why you have 63% of the electorate looking at trump and
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carson and cruz looking for outsiders. >> thank you, panel. up next, our power player of the week. maryland's governor on a personal mission, raising cancer awareness after battling the disease himself.
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finally today, the inside story of maryland governor larry hogan's battle against cancer. hogan sat down with us for his first national interview about his illness and his recovery. here is a special "power player" of the week. >> i new being governor of maryland as a republican was going to be a tough job, but i would face all kinds of challenges but didn't realize cancer would be one of them. >> larry hogan had been governor
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for five months in june when he noticed a lump in his neck. he'll never forget the diagnosis from his doctors. >> we've got some bad news to tell you. you've got 50 to 60 tumors throughout your whole body, from your neck to your groin. you've got very advanced cancer that's spread all over. >> when they say that to you, 50, 60 tumors and advanced cancer, what did you think? >> i thought about how am i going to tell my family? what's going to be facing me. >> three days later hogan told the public. >> i was diagnosed with cancer. >> ready for the poison? >> we're ready for it. >> the governor and his doctors decided to be just as aggressive as his cancer. six rounds of chemotherapy where each time he would check into the hospital for five days of round-the-clock treatment. >> i didn't sleep for five days because they give you huge
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amounts of steroids to fight the chemo. i was wired. >> talking to other patients, even though his immune system was weak ended by the drug. >> i wasn't supposed tochlt i was hugging people and shaking their hands and taking pictures with them. it inspired me. >> as the chemo built up in his body, the side effects got much worse. >> i lost all my hair -- i had a full head of white hair and i lost my eyebrows and my eyelashes. my hands and feet started to lose feeling and has nerve damage. >> he also suffered from exhaustion but he kept doing his job. >> we had meetings in the conference room in the hospital. we had meetings in my hospital room with senior staff. >> as hogan started recovering, doctors let him go out more, like to a baltimore orioles game where he found a way to engage in a favorite past time. >> i shook 500 hands or so at
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the orioles game because i had a batting glove on. >> now i'm putting 12-hour days on instead of just a few hours. >> doctors telling you to slow down? >> they keep trying to tell me that. i don't listen very well. >> hogan is back in the statehouse doing what he has to do, but there have been some changes. >> what's the biggest thing you learned about yourself? >> there was a few emotional times like you pointed out in my press conference where i teared up a few times when i was with kids. but i'm also pretty tough. >> he's also found a new mission as an advocate for cancer research and treatment. >> hopefully i'll be done with this soon as far as my own personal fight, but i'm not going to be done with the cause. >> this week hogan held another news conference. >> i'm very thankful to be able to report that incredibly, as of today, i am 100% cancer-free and
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in complete remission. >> we wish the governor and his family the very best on this thanksgiving. that's it for today. have a "sunday morning futures." have a great day, everybody. \s on the buzz meter this sunday, the media showing anger and outrage over the paris massacre, challenging the administration, especially president obama. >> i guess the question is, and if you'll forgive the language, why can't we take out these bastards? >> jim, i just spent the last three questions answering that question. i don't know what more you want me to add. >> anchors add reporters stepping out you have their usual role. >> president obama has made it quite clear in that q&a that lasted more than 45 minute that is he has accepted there are


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